by niccolapiccola | Dec 19, 2014 | animals and such, Baked goodies, breakfast, yoga
The discussions that my last two posts sparked is one of the reasons why I write this here blog. Besides sharing recipes and stories, I love hearing all of your opinions and thoughts and I’m inspired by how many of you took the time to comment, email, and...
by niccolapiccola | Sep 4, 2014 | animals and such, books, cheese and wine, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas
Howdy Readers! The Yummy Yogini got a fancy new makeover this week thanks to my yoga student and webguy Jimmy Crow. He is phenomenal at designing websites, among other things, where is I am not! I’ve known Jimmy for years when he first stepped into my Ashtanga...
by niccolapiccola | Aug 29, 2014 | animals and such, books, Quick dinner ideas, salads
Happy Labor Day Weekend friends! Where did the summer go? It feels as though it was just April…right? I had a great summer and just when I thought things were winding down, my life got hectic with an array of new dog sitting/walking clients! I walked 17.5 miles...
by niccolapiccola | Nov 21, 2013 | animals and such, Baked goodies, Desserts and Yum Yums
I honestly don’t know how some of you work in offices all day surrounded by those cookies, brownies and candy… and yet somehow seem to resist temptation and keep on keeping on! I would crumble! And then probably have a bite of that too if it were in front of me!...
by niccolapiccola | Nov 3, 2013 | animals and such, Baked goodies, Desserts and Yum Yums, food
Farm to table dinners are all the rage right now on the Central Coast and I’m thinking of hosting one at my house soon! Andy I were talking about a Friends-Thanksgiving the week or so before Thanksgiving day, like the one we went to at our friend Erin’s...
by niccolapiccola | Nov 1, 2013 | animals and such, Eating Italian, Everything Italian, food, Quick dinner ideas
Halloween was too fun last night! We had more trick-or-treaters than ever before, and with Sugar, Corduroy and myself all dressed in costume, it was a real hoot over here passing out (and eating) candy! In case you missed it, Sugar went as Hello Kitty, while Corduroy...