Before my interest in cooking suddenly perked up, I was heavily into crafts. Two years ago, Andy and I got married and I was determined to make everything for the wedding myself… except the food! Down to the centerpieces, decorations, vases and bouquet, I handcrafted and designed it all. The morning of the celebration, my best friend Lynn (since seventh grade!) and I went and bought out all of the sunflowers at the local grocery stores while my other bestie Amanda set the whole thing up while I got ready. It was an amazing effort by the two of them and I will never forget it!

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After the wedding, my love for crafting got a bit out of control with Christmas ribbon wreaths, cork wreaths, homemade cards and gifts, ornaments and the list goes on! Andy bought me a craft desk before the wedding and I have utilized it more than I ever could have imagined. I swear he bought it just so that he could sing the Beastie Boy’s song “She’s Crafty” to me every time I’m using it… It’s worth it!

First off, it’s a tall desk; it comes up to the chest; so there’s no leaning over and Julia Child syndrome to worry about! It also has 12 hidden shelves, little cubby holes, where I stash my stationary, paints, glue guns, stickers, stamps etc, etc. I think it was $99 at World Market, a total bargain!


So today, I decided to get crafty and make a Halloween wreath for our front door. I am really into wreaths, making and receiving them, so I visited Michael’s Craft Store, my home away from home, and purchased some goodies! That place is so fun and has the best deals… I got a styrofoam wreath for $3.99, a skull for $.99, green glittery ribbon for $1.00, Halloween hay for $1.00 and black yarn for $2.50. A wreath for under $10 and it doesn’t actually look too cheap!



The steps were few to create this. I wrapped the green ribbon around the wreath frame and then took black yarn and filled in the spaces. I used my hot glue gun to secure the skeleton head to the wreath and a little Halloween hay for fun!

Since I was on a roll creating new stuff, I was inspired to make some homemade granola since the stuff I’ve been buying has too much sugar in it. I love granola in yogurt, for cereal with almond milk, and on it’s own, especially as a snack when I’m hiking. My fiend Kari made an amazing granola and posted it on her blog last week, and it looked easy enough to create your own special concoction, so I thought I’d try too. The leaves are starting to fall, and I’ve been thinking autumn and adding pumpkin to everything and this here is no exception!

The granola is dairy-free, wheat-free and gluten-free, and you don’t need to add any sugar because of the sweetness from the maple syrup and dried fruit. This is my first time making granola and I really like the finished product! If you’re like my ma and don’t like coconut, omit the shredded coconut and in place of the coconut oil, use vegetable oil or butter or better yet, my homemade applesauce


Autumn Pumpkin Spice Granola- makes 5 cups 



-4 cups rolled oats (I used Trader Joe’s Gluten-free brand)


-1/4 cup melted coconut oil

-1 T vanilla

-2 T maple syrup

-1 cup shredded coconut

-1/2 cup pumpkin puree

-1/4 tsp each of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and apple pie spice

-1/4 tsp salt

-1/4 cup dried pomegranates

-1/4 cup dried cherries

-1/4 cup each of chopped walnuts and pecans


1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. In a large bowl, mix the oats, shredded coconut, nut and spices together.


3. In a pan, melt together the coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla and pumpkin puree.


4. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry and mix until coated. Add dried fruit last.


5. Place on a lightly-greased cookie sheet for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.


6. Enjoy for breakfast, a snack, or for dessert!


So easy and so much cheaper than buying it!!!


Speaking of crafty, my friend and student Sarah recently gave me my pictures back from the photo shoot we had in Montana de Oro and this girl is talented, inside her kindergarden room and out. Check them out! The sky was very surreal that day and she captured it, and me, perfectly, I think. So thanks Sarah! I love you girl!! Until tomorrow, I’m pulling out my “License to Ill” album and playing at full blast.

I miss you MCA!!!!!

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