While I was making some dairy-free banana ice cream this morning (yes, in the a.m) I remembered when my best friend Lynn and I were in high school and used to cheer this funny banana tune. No, not on the cheerleading squad! Heavens NO! We were making fun of the cheerleaders and mocking them by jumping off picnic tables and kicking our legs up in the air. We did NOT want to be one of them! We also used to love cheering “Be aggressive, B-E aggressive, B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E, Aggressive, B-E aggressive Woo Hoo”… in case you were wondering!

A very old and funny pic of me and Lynn!  We are pointing at a bed that was in someone's kitchen.. you had to be there!

A very old and funny pic of me and Lynn! We are pointing at a bed that was in someone’s kitchen.. you had to be there!



We we hilarious, to ourselves, and that’s all that’s ever mattered in our friendship that dates back to 1992… yes, that long and we are still as tight today as we were then. She was my maid-of-honor and the only person in my wedding party… she’s quite a big deal if you ask me! Love you girl and miss you!

Anyways…let’s get back to that Banana Ice Cream I mentioned a moment ago. I made this today in like five minutes because it has three ingredients! Almond coconut milk, bananas and cinnamon. Yup, that’s all you need to make this ice cream besides a blender and a freezer. I’m very allergic to milk so I can’t have ice cream in the carton as often as I would like but this here recipe is dairy-free and it’s healthy, easy and yummy. My friend Sara sent me a picture of a sad looking bunch of bananas and asked me if I wanted them before they went totally rotten. I told her yes and to toss them into the freezer… you can do so many things with frozen bananas!


Thanks Sara!

GO Bananas Ice Cream- serves more than one if you decide to share! 


-4 small frozen or very ripe bananas

-1 cup milk (I used Blue Diamond’s Vanilla Almond Coconut Milk)

-1 tsp cinnamon



1. Peel the bananas and put everything into the blender.


2. Blend well and then pour into a container.

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3. Freeze the ice cream for at least 3 hours and enjoy!


You HAVE to try this!


So, let’s talk FREE yoga for a moment… For those of you on the Central Coast, The Yoga Centre, where I teach, has recently moved and having a GRAND opening tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Come for the music, the variety of classes and oh, did I mention FREE food too? I’ll be teaching my regular schedule… Friday Power Flow from 12-1 p.m. and on Saturday, Ashtanga Primary Series from 7:15-8:45 a.m. followed by Vinyasa from 9-10:15 a.m…

for FREE!

The new space is located at 672 Higera Street in San Luis Obispo. You come and tell your friends!

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