by niccolapiccola | Aug 6, 2015 | breakfast, cheese and wine, lunch/ brunch ideas, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas, salads
I do yoga to relieve stress…. just kidding! I drink wine in yoga pants to do that! No but seriously, I do. And you probably do too if you’re my friend… and if you don’t, I highly recommend it after a nice sweaty yoga practice! Lately, yoga and...
by niccolapiccola | Mar 11, 2015 | fitness, health and wellness, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas, yoga
Last week on this blog, I talked a lot about routines and how I am a true believer of practicing them from sunrise to sunset. It looks like most of you were right there with me, judging by the many comments left by those of you who are self-admitted “creatures...
by niccolapiccola | Feb 6, 2015 | News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas, slow cooking, soups, yoga
What an exciting and exhausting week I’ve had and I still have two work days left until Sunday! I think I said it on Monday, but the Universe certainly works in mysterious ways! After loosing five classes and my job last week at a nearby studio, I was able to...
by niccolapiccola | Oct 23, 2014 | holiday food, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas
Picture Trader Joe’s like it’s the set from the show Cheers, when you walk into the store and you immediately see people you know, some of the cashiers are yoga students of yours and the wine selection is so off the hook that it’s enough to make you...
by niccolapiccola | Sep 4, 2014 | animals and such, books, cheese and wine, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas
Howdy Readers! The Yummy Yogini got a fancy new makeover this week thanks to my yoga student and webguy Jimmy Crow. He is phenomenal at designing websites, among other things, where is I am not! I’ve known Jimmy for years when he first stepped into my Ashtanga...