Well hello there Yummy Yogini readers! So sorry about the lack of posts from last week but my husband and I share a computer, like our car, bathroom and bank account, and he needed it for work, so by fault, Andy won! This week though, it’s all mine and I’m back with some new recipes and tricks of the trade!

My students are always asking me about joint pain and how to help protect their joints, and I’m constantly suggesting they take Glucosamine! It’s got a ton of natural oils including fish oil, that helps lubricate joints, and it’s marketed to support the structure and function of joints. My Ma and I have been taking it for years, and I noticed a HUGE difference in my body after only about a month. And it has the reverse effect too; when I run out of it, I immediately feel the difference within a few days. So stop by your local drug store and pick some up today!

And if you’re not down with popping pills, pick some some fresh fish and get cooking… you can get the same benefits from a nice piece of salmon! I whipped up this Salmon Nicoise Salad the other night for dinner and it was a success! I got a great deal on salmon steaks and the rest of the ingredients cost me less than five bucks! I’ll post the recipe down below but first I have more tricks of the trade to let you in on! Have you heard of oil pulling? Yea, me either! A bunch of my yoga friends started doing this and I guess it’s trending… or at least in the yoga community! I did some research and I decided to take the challenge and oil pull for a week. Hey, I’ll try anything Ayurvedic!


So in case you’re not familiar with this technique, I’ll quickly explain how it works. Effective oil pulling is done by placing a tablespoon of cold pressed sesame oil or coconut oil into your mouth and then swishing it around (like mouthwash) for approximately 10-15 minutes. You then spit out the oil into your toilet or trash- NOT your sink though as it will clog the drain! This is an amazing way to flush out all the toxins in your mouth and it will help you spend less at the dentist if you do it everyday. Once a week won’t do and you won’t notice the effects! Oh! The effects! What are they you ask?

As the oil mixes with your saliva, and you swish it around, it begins to pull toxins out from your mouth, teeth, gums and tongue- say CIAO! to your bad breath too. It helps prevent bleeding gums, cavities and gingivitis. I discovered this method just last week after a trip to the dentist. I have TMJ (Lockjaw) and have had it for years. The right side of my jaw pops (loudly) every time I open my mouth a little too wide (which is often if you know me well) and it is annoying if you’re not used to hearing it. Mr. Dentist suggested a procedure to help lessen the soreness in my jaw and of course I laughed at him because I’m not one for “unnecessary procedures.” Oil pulling is a holistic treatment for TMJ so I think I’ll stick to this method. Sorry Doc.

Oh! And one last tip! Coconut oil can also help you poop… yes, you read correctly! This stuff can help make you regular so if you’re in need, toss a tablespoon in your coffee (in my case tea) and let it melt. I add Vanilla Almond Milk and drink!



Salmon Nicoise Salad- serves two

-2 salmon steaks or filets

-4 cups arugula/spinach blend

-2 cups green beans

-6 small potatoes, quartered

-2 hard boiled eggs

-1/2 cup kalamata olives

-1 roma tomato, chopped

-olive oil

-salt and pepper

Niccola’s Citrus Dressing



1. Slice your potatoes and get those boiling first.


2. Snap the ends off the green beans and in a separate pot, start to bring them to a boil. When they are through, toss some cold water on them (blanch) and let them sit for a couple of minutes.

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3. Cut up your olives, eggs and tomatoes and have them ready.

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4. In a hot pan, add some olive oil and your salmon steaks/filets. They should take less than 5 minutes to cook if you like it medium-rare like me.

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5. When the salmon has finished cooking, cut it up into small pieces.


6. Add everything to a large bowl and toss with my Citrus Dressing and wallah! Yum!

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I love learning new techniques to better my health and wellness overall. Like this weekend when Andy taught me how to play Blackjack! 

I love learning new techniques to better my health and wellness overall. Like this weekend when Andy taught me how to play Blackjack! Haha! 

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