by niccolapiccola | Apr 7, 2017 | Camping, cheese and wine, hiking, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas, wine + yoga
Even though it’s spring, it feels like a chilly winter day here on the Central Coast. We are getting some (more) much needed rain and it’s a good day to curl up with a good book and have a glass of Cabernet if you know what I mean. Speaking of wine, Andy...
by niccolapiccola | Mar 22, 2017 | Baked goodies, books, breakfast, gluten/dairy free, News & Updates
Mary Poppins used to sing about how “just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” but today I’m going to have you singing “just a tablespoon of BRAGG’S is so good for my health” or something to that tune anyhow! I know there...
by niccolapiccola | Jan 30, 2017 | Baked goodies, breakfast, gluten/dairy free, lunch/ brunch ideas, News & Updates
2016 came and went and I forgot to celebrate my blog’s third birthday and to take the time to say THANK YOU for reading, commenting, and suggesting posts and for supporting this crazy little adventure of mine… I have met so many new people over the past...
by niccolapiccola | Jan 9, 2017 | breakfast, Desserts and Yum Yums, lunch/ brunch ideas, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas, slow cooking, soups, Vegan dishes
Happy New Year Yummy Yogini readers… a week or so late! I am extremely happy the holiday season is officially over even though it’s my favorite time of the year… but the yoga students have been making me fat with all their homemade cookies and fudges...
by niccolapiccola | Nov 11, 2016 | breakfast, hiking, News & Updates, parties!, Peace, slow cooking, wine + yoga
Well the Cubs won the World Series!!!! My husband is still relishing on his team’s win, clad in his new championship tee and hat! It’s nice to come home in the afternoon to him still singing the Cubs praises even though it’s been more than a week...
by niccolapiccola | Nov 2, 2016 | animals and such, holiday food, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas, slow cooking, yoga
And just like that it’s November and I actually saw a Christmas wreath up yesterday.. yup, the day after Halloween. Either embrace it or chase it away I guess but truth be told the holidays are actually coming. In order to avoid having a meltdown over pre-season...