by niccolapiccola | Dec 17, 2014 | crafts, yoga
Yesterday’s post on cell phone use in the studio sure started a lot of commentary, positive and negative, so thanks for reading and responding! Most of you thought it was “morally” wrong to even bring your phone into the studio, nevermind actually...
by niccolapiccola | Dec 16, 2014 | books, breakfast, yoga
The other night I was hanging out with a bunch of yoga teachers, red wine included, and we started talking about some of the hilarious students we’ve had over the years. Just like when we were yoga students, and not yet teachers, we would chat about the teacher...
by niccolapiccola | Nov 20, 2014 | Baked goodies, books, breakfast, slow cooking, yoga
I opened my freezer this morning to discover five frozen bananas that have been sitting in there for ages, waiting to be used in some Yummy Yogini concoction and today seemed like a good day. It’s misting outside and a little chilly (a whopping 63 degrees) so...
by niccolapiccola | Nov 10, 2014 | Baked goodies, Desserts and Yum Yums, Peace, yoga
When I was younger my Ma always taught me NOT to stare at people. It didn’t matter who they were, she told me it was rude, especially if they were in a wheel chair or disabled, or homeless, or a little person, or just a train wreck after a night out drinking....
by niccolapiccola | Nov 6, 2014 | breakfast, health and wellness, yoga
I started running again last week after a long (13 months) hiatus spent trying to rehab my right knee. What’s wrong with it you ask? Oh, just inflammation that does not and will not go away. I’ve been trying a combination of “RICE-ing” (rest,...
by niccolapiccola | Oct 28, 2014 | books, meditation and pranayama, Quick dinner ideas, yoga
I just wrapped up the last day of my Deepen Your Yoga Practice workshop at the health club where I work. Kind of a big deal. This was the first yoga workshop there ever. And it was successful, for the students (I hope) but especially for myself. I never thought...