Greetings! I’m preparing for St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow by listening to some U2, House of Pain, The Cranberries and the comedian Hal Roach, all while I bake Cecilia (my Gram) Mulligan’s famous Irish Soda Bread! This was a tradition for my Gram each...
I am a total creature of habit. I wake up at the same time each day. I get out of bed, feed my dogs, put on my contacts, brush my teeth, pull on my yoga clothes and head to the studio. When I’m through, I head to the gym or to TRX class and then I indulge in a...
Students ask me all the time whether or not they should be drinking water during yoga practice and why or why not? Well the short answer from me is NO, you should not be gulping down gigantic sips from your water bottle because unlike sports like soccer and...
Greetings! I’ve been rummaging through old and new magazines and cookbooks alike in search of some new recipes that I can both use and jazz up by adding or subtracting ingredients. It’s such a turnoff when I see like 26 ingredients for a meal that looks...
Greetings and I hope you all had a nice long weekend, for those of you (NOT me) that had yesterday off in honor of Martin Luther King Day! When I was a kid, I always referred to said day as Martin Luther “the King” Day because for some reason, that was how...
Now that we’re in a new year, I’m constantly getting approached by strangers and friends alike telling me “I’ll see you in yoga!” and then of course I don’t see them and every time afterwards, when I do see them elsewhere,...