by niccolapiccola | Feb 2, 2015 | animals and such, Quick dinner ideas, salads, yoga
It’s a new week, a new month and a new day, so out with the old and in with the new! I go back and forth with my feelings on change, sometimes I fear it and other times I welcome a change in pace. How we handle change is sometimes something that helps define us...
by niccolapiccola | Jan 20, 2015 | animals and such, books, breakfast, Quick dinner ideas, snacks, yoga
Greetings and I hope you all had a nice long weekend, for those of you (NOT me) that had yesterday off in honor of Martin Luther King Day! When I was a kid, I always referred to said day as Martin Luther “the King” Day because for some reason, that was how...
by niccolapiccola | Jan 13, 2015 | books, health and wellness, meditation and pranayama, yoga
Now that we’re in a new year, I’m constantly getting approached by strangers and friends alike telling me “I’ll see you in yoga!” and then of course I don’t see them and every time afterwards, when I do see them elsewhere,...
by niccolapiccola | Jan 6, 2015 | breakfast, juice me, yoga
It’s a New Year, it’s a New You! I am still feeling overly stuffed and sugared-out from all the festivities over the past month or so, how about you? And for some reason I can’t stop drinking champagne! This is not a huge problem to have I suppose...
by niccolapiccola | Dec 30, 2014 | Desserts and Yum Yums, holiday food, yoga
This has been a post in the making for sometime now. Every time I harp on something that annoys people in the yoga world; cell phone use, chewing gym, running late or skipping savasana, I always get a comment from someone that says, “you should do a blog about...
by niccolapiccola | Dec 19, 2014 | animals and such, Baked goodies, breakfast, yoga
The discussions that my last two posts sparked is one of the reasons why I write this here blog. Besides sharing recipes and stories, I love hearing all of your opinions and thoughts and I’m inspired by how many of you took the time to comment, email, and...