by niccolapiccola | Jun 8, 2016 | books, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas
Hello everyone! I hope all of you here in California voted yesterday… it doesn’t matter who you voted for but it is your greatest right as an American and one that I take quite seriously! I won’t get political here because you came to read about yoga...
by niccolapiccola | Apr 22, 2016 | books, lunch/ brunch ideas, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas, salads
True story. I’m at Trader Joe’s last week in the checkout line when the guy ringing up my groceries asks me what I do for a living. “I teach yoga,” I say. To which he replied, “That sounds fun, but what’s your real job?” I...
by niccolapiccola | Mar 4, 2016 | breakfast, Desserts and Yum Yums, lunch/ brunch ideas, News & Updates, yoga
Happy March Fourth… it’s the only date that’s also a sentence! Haha! I am so glad it’s March now… February was the loooongest month of my life and it had nothing to do with leap year! Did I mention I just moved to a new house too?!...
by niccolapiccola | Feb 12, 2016 | breakfast, juice me, karma, News & Updates, slow cooking, soups, Vegan dishes, yoga
Hello humankindness! I just want to thank you all for reaching out to me, for your text messages, calls, flowers, cards, well wishes and prayers that you sent my way last week. They did not go unnoticed and I appreciate the support from the bottom of my heart! My...
by niccolapiccola | Feb 4, 2016 | News & Updates
Namaste Yummy Yogini Readers. Today I am asking for your help after my husband Andy was in a very serious and traumatic scooter accident on Monday night and has been in the CCU at Marian Hospital in Santa Maria, California since. To make a long story short, the police...
by niccolapiccola | Nov 30, 2015 | books, holiday food, News & Updates, Quick dinner ideas
Since it’s Cyber Monday, I thought I’d add to the many emails you’ve probably been getting all day long and send out a post! I’ve received countless offers from Groupon, Barnes and Noble, eBay, Amazon and the list goes on. Oddly enough,...